Art of Data

1.2 Terminal and Git

These topics are foundational to everything else we will be doing in this course.

Terminal (slides)

Terminal is a text-based interface that allows you to interact with your computer.

MIT Terminus Game

⊕ folder structure, root directory, parent/child relationship, file vs folder, absolute vs relative path

⊕ man, pwd, ls, cd, cat, mkdir, touch, cp, mv, rm, rmdir, echo, sh

Git (slides)

We will be using Git to keep your portfolio website updated, as well as keep track of your homework and labs. For now, we will be going over the basics of Git - accessing a remote repository on Github, and updating it with local changes.

⊕ local, remote, repository, git, Github, stage

⊕ git, clone, add, commit, push, status, log

Markdown (slides)

Markdown is the markup language you will be using to make your portfolio website. This is the Markdown Tutorial you should do first.

⊕ bold, italics, headers, links, images, lists, code

The following are also good resources:

Markdown Preview Extension
John Gruber’s Daring Fireball
Markdown Syntax
Markdown Cheatsheet
Mastering Markdown
Markdown Tutorial