Art of Data

1.4 Lab 1

For this lab, you will be examining a Digimon dataset from Kaggle. This dataset contains information about Digimon, short for “digital monsters”, and their stats from a game. In this game, you can have a team of 3 Digimon at a time.

Make sure you download the csv file from Google Classroom!


This lab is intended to evaluate your ability to:


Write a blog post for your website with responses to the following:

  1. What is the average speed (Spd) of all Digimon?
  2. Write a function that can count the number of Digimon with a specific attribute. For example, count_digimon("Type", "Vaccine") would return 70.
  3. The Digimon on your team are restricted by the total amount of Memory that they need. If your team only has 15 Memory, name a team of up to 3 Digimon that has at least 300 attack (Atk) in total.
  4. Describe your process in finding these answers. Include details such as who you worked with, what methods you tried, what worked or didn’t work, what could have gone better, and what you learned during this lab. Feel free to attach images, screenshots, pseudocode, etc to elaborate on your response!

Submit your Python file using Google Classroom. You can also find the rubric there.

Academic Honesty

You are allowed to work with others on this lab, as long as you do not share any code! Please refer to the syllabus for more details.

You are allowed to look up how to do things on the internet, as long as you properly cite and explain the code in your blog post.

You are not allowed to use modules we haven’t talked about in class.