Software Engineering

Classroom Expectations

My goal is to build an environment where you feel safe and comfortable enough to learn, share your ideas, and make mistakes. We will work together to set classroom norms at the beginning of the year. Treat everyone with respect and have fun!


Quizzes are individual assessments that will only ever cover what you have done for homework, and what we have done together in class. Quizzes are given at least once every two weeks.

Labs are group assessments that assess whether you can take everything you’ve learned so far and put it together, often in the format of a longer programming assignment and a corresponding write-up. Labs will be given at the end of each unit.

Retakes and Revisions

We will often have quiz retakes as a class, but individual retakes are also an option. On any given quiz, only your most recent attempt will count toward your grade.

Lab revisions are handled on a case-by-case basis.


Readings will be given to supplement the course material. Each reading will include a written response, as well as participation in an in-class discussion. These are graded on a completion basis.

Semester Grade

If you complete all the work for this class, you will earn an excellent grade.

Academic Integrity

Collaboration is encouraged – feel free to work and talk with other students! Always make sure to cite the names of who you worked with.

Any form of academic dishonesty is a serious issue, and will be escalated to the student’s advisor and grade dean. I would rather you submit something late than something academically dishonest. If you are ever unsure, reach out to me! I want to help you succeed in this class.